Section outline

  • Within Tertiary institutions such as College, University or Tech's there is often a lack of understanding of neurodiversity and the needs of neurodivergent students.  This often means that neurodiverse students do not receive the skills they need to succeed at studying. Neurodivergence creates different ways of experiencing the world analysing it and thinking about it.  Being able to up skill in ways that work for you are essential to valuing your way of doing knowledge as well as to succeed in your studies. This course introduces you to techniques for managing lectures and taking lecture notes, an introduction to how to manage academic reading as well as 3 sessions on answering an essay question in ways that work for people who are dyslexic, ADHD, AuDHD or/and Autistic. Neurodiversity at University is about helping you to find and develop the skills you need in academia. 

    • Lecture notes Part 1

      An overview of the 3M's technique that privileges dyslexic ways of doing knowledge. The 3M technique was created by Ruth Gibbons to support neurodivergent students. The 3M technique for taking notes in class expands the ways of taking notes from the text dominant model.



    • Lecture note's part 2

      In part 2 we look at making lecture notes active - rather than just gathering dust or digital dust - using making and modelling techniques (2 of the 3M's). Notes need to be of value in the long-term so knowing what to do with your notes to make them valuable to your learning is essential.



    • Surviving academic reading and thriving

      Academic reading is like no other type of reading. Learn a variety of different study tips to help with academic reading. These tips are particularly for unconventional learners who want to take a different approach to reading.



    • Essay question's part 1

      First of 3 short videos' about how to unpack and understand university questions. This video introduces you to Waves and Ripples two ways to approach the initial stages of answering the question.



    • Essay question's part 2

      Second of 3 short videos' about how to unpack and understand university questions. Answering questions is one of the places where neurodivergent students can struggle this video helps you to unpack the different elements of answering a question with this video focusing on the language of the question.



    • Essay question's part 3

      Having unpacked the question now you need to build your answer. This video discusses what you need to consider in building your answer and how to stay on track to make sure you answer the question that is being asked by the lecturer.